AL-USWAH Research Journal en-US (Dr syed Zia Ul Husnain Shah) (Muhammad Usman Ghani) Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 تأثر إقبال بالأدب العربي والإسلامي <p>“Allama Muhammad Iqbal is a multidimensional personality, with the fact that he was a great poet, philosopher, politician, religious scholar and lawyer. Additionally he had a wonderful grip on different languages i.e. Arabic, Persian and Urdu. However, his command on Arabic was valued by the renowned scholars of the same language. His poetry is based on Islamic literature. Impact of Arabic and Islamic literature can be seen in Iqbal's poetry, that he used the Arabic terminologies in his poetry more regularly and more precisely. Most of the ideas and discussions of Islamic literature came from his poetry. He gave an actual image of Islam to the Muslim Ummah. He particularly targeted young generation. He used a lot of Quranic and Hadith phrases in his poetry, which gives the true reflection of Islam. Those who belong to the Arabic and Islamic are still mourning their heart and mind from the light and heat of his poetry.”</p> Muhammad Atiq ur Rehman, Summayya Islam Copyright (c) 2024 AL-USWAH Research Journal Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 الأدب الرقمي ـ المفاهيم والمصطلحات <p>The development of science in the field of information and communication technologies, pushes those who seek literature to the need to develop elaborate plans that exploit to take advantage of this modern technology, its diffusion and diffusion to make move from imitation to digitization, through the process of computerizing its content, but the process has existed since its inception. it witnesses obstacles and difficulties that have had its incarnation and its work with its, but it did not upset him, but rather it instigated many to remove these obstacles and to orient it self to develop scientific librarians and make them digital and work to make their content accessible to researchers and academics without restrictions, and this is what we want through this research paper in which we explain the concept of digital text and text and its relationship to and text digital and savec, and position itself on the styles and characteristics of interactive literature.</p> <p>The objective remains to build digital literature, that is to say to make its content accessible to all, in a scientific way, far from the language of paper. This objective will only be achieved if the difficulties which seek to thwart this immense scientific project are overcome.</p> محمد القاسم فلاني, محمد رقاني Copyright (c) 2024 AL-USWAH Research Journal Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 جمال السيميائية في الخطاب النبوي: دراسة تحليلية <p>The features of the “system theory” founding the Qur’anic rhetoric and then the Arabic rhetoric were formed after important critical developments and stages during the course of four centuries. From neglecting many of the arts of prophetic rhetoric, especially in the chapter on the science of meanings, which is the head of the matter in modern semiology. An aesthetic view of the text in its entirety, for the Qur’anic text is miraculous in its entirety, and from here it was necessary to search for the commonality between the components of the text from within the text, and not from outside it, on the basis of other places in the text, or of a maxim, an occasion of revelation, or a legal or creedal consideration, which led to a process of separation between the apparent meaning of the Qur’anic phrase, and its internal image, which was entrusted with carrying the appropriate content in a sound phrase. From the linguistic and grammatical point of view, and this saying is true to a large extent and applies in particular to the Prophetic hadith, which was not studied in its internal textual aspects by comparison; rather, it was limited to its totality, then within it, and that was a great waste of many realistic and legitimate aspects that resulted from the philosophy of systems There is no doubt that the motive of many behind the abolition of the party A Outside, modern aesthetic theories that confine the statement and the significance of meaning to the successive internal displacements; There is no doubt that taking into account the addressee and his taste, and the reality that constitutes the mentality, plays a major role in giving credibility to the discourse.</p> Dr. Ayoub Girgis Copyright (c) 2024 AL-USWAH Research Journal Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تألق الخدمات المصرفية الإسلامية: استكشاف متعمق للخدمات والميزات <p>The emergence and development of Islamic Banks are the results of the the&nbsp; practical application of Islamic law in people’s lives. Now&nbsp;&nbsp; People are able to bring their money to these Islamic banks , work with them and invest them in various projects without any fear of Riba. These banks deals with people’s money with special system and method&nbsp;&nbsp; of Mudarabah, Musharakah and Murabaha etc , so they have their own relations and investment methods with central bank . So, the Islamic banks&nbsp; with&nbsp; their contemporary&nbsp; application are an important aspect of the Islamic economic system. The Islamic banking ensures to mobilize the available resources at every level in order to work for the benefit of comprehensive development in the Islamic countries according to the different circumstances and needs. By providing the necessary financing for commercial , service , industrial and agricultural economic activities , Islamic Banks play an important role in developing and renaissance of economic system. Therefore, Islamic banks successfully achieved the constructive and preventive goals. This article presents the main concept of Islamic banking, its emergence and development, its characteristics and services.</p> Muhammad Asim Copyright (c) 2024 AL-USWAH Research Journal Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 جغرافیۂ سیرت پر جدید تحقیقات: اہم مصادر کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>Geographical study of Sirah is an emerging trend in contemporary research in the field of Islamic Studies. Current studies on geography of Sirah identifies the usefulness of Sirah and entails the need of guidance derived from Sirah to resolve the different kinds of problems like Inequality and Injustice in distribution of physical resources. A distinguished aspect of this trend is that it also explores the Sirah guidance regarding the management of natural resources like water and lands. For administrative class, aforementioned trend in turn provides a valuable outcome by considering the teaching of prophetic management regarding distribution of physical resources.</p> <p>The trend of this study proves that the study of the geographical aspects of Sirah is not only a valuable addition to the Sirah &amp; Islamic Studies but also it has a potential of huge impact on society. Therefore, this study is more essential than before for sustainable development. This trend needs a scholarly review of the research and methodologies being used in this regard. This paper is a brief review of the literature of this subject.</p> Dr. Muhammad Abubakar Siddique Copyright (c) 2024 AL-USWAH Research Journal Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 عہد جدید کے چیلنجز سے نمٹنے کے لیے منصوبہ بندی:سیرت نبوی کا خصوصی مطالعہ <p>When we look at the fourteen centuries of Muslim life in the pages of history, it becomes clear that we were the sole owner and monopolist of honor, glory and splendor. But when we look away from these pages and observe the present situation, we find ourselves suffering from extreme humiliation, poverty and destitution. The enemy is happy with our condition and our weakness is openly exposed and ridiculed. Not only that, but our own livers, the youth of the new civilization, make fun of the sacred principles of Islam. Let's take a critical look at the matter. And they consider this sacred law unworkable, meaningless and useless. The intellect wonders why the nation which has irrigated the world is thirsty today. Why is the nation that taught the world a lesson of civilization uncivilized and uncivilized today? The leaders of the nation assessed our plight long before today and struggled for our betterment in various ways. Looks more dangerous and darker. It is an irreparable crime for us to remain silent and not make a practical effort, but before we take any practical action, it is important to consider the reasons why we have been subjected to this humiliating torment. The various causes of our inferiority and degradation are explained.</p> Hafiz Muhammad Asif Javed Copyright (c) 2024 AL-USWAH Research Journal Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mikhail Noaima's Poetic Legacy in Modern Arabic Literature; A Critical Analysis <p>Mikhail Noaima,the iconoclast Arab Christian Romantic poet, great critic and apologist, mystic, essayist, biographer, translator, novelist, famous orator and dramatist, is a major figure in modern Arabic literature, and particularly within what came to be known as the Mahjar School of thought , referring to the literary movement which evolved in the United States among emigrant Syro- Lebanese poets and writers, who operated through a literary gathering in New York by the name "الرابطة القلمية"(The Pen Association), during the second and third decades of the 20th century, and until his death in 1931 of Jibran Khalil Jibran, its guiding spirit. The present article is consisted on abstract, two sub-chapters i.e Life of Mikhail Noaima and Critical study of impact of Mikail Noaima workson Modern Poetry, result and the Bibliography. May Allah shower His blessings on us through knowledge. Ameen.</p> Dr. Muhammad Nasir Mustafa Copyright (c) 2024 AL-USWAH Research Journal Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000