مالك بن نبي: قراءة في بعض فكره الحضاري والتربوي

Malik bin Nabi: Reading in some of his cultural and educational thoughts


  • د. ابن عمر عمر عبيد الله أستاذ مشارك ، قسم التاريخ ، كلية الآداب جامعة إفريقيا العالمية


Malik bin Nabi, Malik bin Nabi’s cultural thoughts, Malik bin Nabi’s educational thoughts


This article aims to identify the primary foundations in the civilizational and educational thought of the scientist Malik bin Nabi, based on some of this thinker's books and articles presented by some scholars in various fields of knowledge to learn about the activities of the scientist Malik bin Nabi.The methodology of this article is based on the descriptive approach in order to contribute to more future knowledge of linking other scientific approachesThis article attempts to provide evidence on the following questions:
1)      When knowledge of backwardness in the Islamic world was appeared.
2)      What are the phenomena of the biography and founding of Malik bin Nabi?
3)      What is the intellectual methodology of Malik bin Nabi?
4)      Malik's Quranic miracles are characterized by civilized features, what they are?.
5)      What are the features of the economic program of the scientist Malik?
6)      Mention the determinants of civilization change.
7)      Features of educational thought for thinker Malik what they are.

The most important results of this article are as follows:
1-      Civilization education is one of the most important pillars of the renaissance of the post-believers Muslim.
2-      The thinker Malik is an educational philosopher as he was in the field of civilization and sociology.
3-      The educational thought of the thinker Malik is related to experience and industry

The proposals for this article are: Postgraduate students of masters and doctoral degrees must write on the topic of the cultural and educational thought of the thinker Malik Ben Nabi, especially in the field of pedagogy.




How to Cite

د. ابن عمر عمر عبيد الله. 2021. “مالك بن نبي: قراءة في بعض فكره الحضاري والتربوي: Malik Bin Nabi: Reading in Some of His Cultural and Educational Thoughts”. AL-USWAH Research Journal 2 (2). https://idr.com.pk/ojs3308/index.php/aluswa/article/view/46.